
Who let the dogs out is Dominik?

Last updated: May 29th, 2024

I’m an early 20s guy from Switzerland. So naturally, I’m still trying to find my place in the world. Figuring out who I am and what I want to do. And this website serves as a time capsule for preserving and documenting this project we call personal life.

By day, I’m working as a Webflow developer @Bloq Labs and create my own things at night. Mostly by designing & coding stuff, but I also got into running lately and I'm trying to get better at articulating my thoughts (aka writing on this blog).

Other than that, I like to learn and understand as much as I can about this fascinating world we’re living in. Mostly by myself and from books or the internet. But because that can get a bit lonely, and you have to be very disciplined to study the hard parts, I’ll go to uni this summer, studying CS & social studies.

For a more up-to-date overview of what I’m doing, take a look at the /now page.

Me watching some soap bubbles and looking fascinated.
Barcelona, ES
My favorite drink, a can of NOCCO.
Stockholm, SE
Happy times.
Milan, IT

A list of things I like

This is not exhaustive, but should get you a pretty good overview of who I am :)

Noir thrillers (books & movies), running, reading a good book, cozy evenings with loved ones, trying out new cooking recipes, rainy days in big cities, getting lost in random rabbit holes, making plans about the future daydreaming, collecting inspiration (for one of my thousand project ideas), working in trains, deep house (or whatever genre Elderbrook and BUNT. fit into), the feeling after coming home from the gym, thinking and philosophising about stuff I find interesting right at that moment (and now writing about it too), baby goats & dogs, biographies of inspiring people, true-crime podcasts, Liverpool FC, Bern, strolling through book stores, NOCCO, El Tony Mate, the smell of a summer thunderstorm, street photography, bringing things to live with code, minimalism (especially as a design style), sushi, poké bowls, simple living, board game nights with friends, …

(Plus 1000 other things I forgot to write down and will add later.)

Where to find me

I try to reduce my social media consumption as much as possible. That’s why my current main hub is this website. If you want to reach out, have a chat or create something together, you can also find me on Mastodon, or simply write me an email (the old school way).

And don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter or RSS feed to keep up to date with the things I put out into this world!

What I did in the past



Bloq Labs

Webflow site for the agency I work at.

Bloq Labs
Webflow Development

Casa Calocita

Webflow site for a co-living location in Costa Rica.

Bloq Labs
Webflow Development


Webflow site for a film agency.

Bloq Labs
Webflow Development
Web Animations (GSAP)


Webflow site for a software startup (EPFL Lausanne spin-off)..

Bloq Labs
Webflow Development


Webflow site for an AI Cybersecurity Startup

Bloq Labs
Webflow Development



Webflow site for a modern GRC solution.

Bloq Labs
Webflow Development


Webflow site for an e-commerce jewlery store.

Bloq Labs
Webflow Development


Webflow site for a restaurant.

Bloq Labs
Webflow Development


Code components & overrides for Framer.




Webflow site for a training and education company.

By The Way
Webflow Development


Webflow site for an NPO.

By The Way
Webflow Development


Persona Builder

The final project for my apprenticeship, built with Nuxt.js.

Berner Kantonalbank
Web Development