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Life Update: Uni Start

September 13th, 2024
· 3 min read ·
Life Update

Today is Friday, September 13th, and it’s Orientation Day for new bachelor students at Uni Bern. Which also means that my lectures (and my university career as a whole) start in just three days, on Monday.

I wanted to quickly write about this life update, what I’m studying and what’s changing in my life these next couple of weeks.

As some of you may already know, I’m going to study Computer Science as my major with Social Sciences as my minor. I like this combination of subjects in my study because they are not too similar, and I hope it will provide some variety in my day-to-day life as a student. Plus, acquiring some multidisciplinary knowledge won’t hurt.

Studying CS at the University of Bern also means that I have to earn at least 30 ECTS points with Math lectures. This will actually be the focus of my first semester, and is honestly probably the part that I have the most respect for. But I’m equally excited as well to get a more profound understanding of Mathematics.

I plan to complete my bachelor’s in 4 instead of 3 years but work 50% in my current job as a web developer. I’m really looking forward to that mix of very theoretical lectures to building things practically. Furthermore, I will, of course, also continue with working on my own projects and writing on this blog. This is the kind of variety I had in my life two years ago when I completed the “Passerelle1” – I enjoyed that lifestyle very much and hope to have a similar one over the coming years.

Speaking of my blog, you can expect to see more study related content on here in the near future. Meta-posts about learning, but also explanations of concepts I learn in my subjects. I’m planning to use the Feynman Technique to my advantage as much as possible: Explaining ideas and concepts in my own words to others, to understand them better myself. I hope this will benefit both you, the reader, as well as me. I hope you stick around and learn something new from time to time!

Regarding the future, I don’t yet have the one goal I want to accomplish academically. I’m doing this 100% for myself, because I hope that studying CS in a university environment will provide me with a solid understanding of theoretical concepts, that I can then apply in my side projects and future jobs. I’ll probably also try to complete a master’s diploma someday (maybe at ETH Zurich or something, they have great CS master’s courses), but that’s way too far in the future. For now, I just want to complete the bachelor, learn a ton of stuff and apply as much of it in my work as possible.

That’s it for this short life update, wish me luck for Monday and take care!


  1. Swiss qualification for university entrance

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  • commented on this on

    @dominik Have a great uni start I hope you'll learn a ton of things!

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    @dominik man what I’d give to be a student again. Some of the best years of my life so far.

    Now I’m only back at uni to teach, still great, but not quite the same.

    Also, I guess you’re a lot younger than I thought you were? I mean that as a compliment.

    Have a great start to your studies!

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    @vdvestelle Thanks Estelle, I hope so too 😇

  • commented on this on

    @amxmln Thanks Amadeus, I’m really looking forward to what's coming 🙌🏼

    & haha thank you, still in my early twenties :)

  • commented on this on

    @dominik enjoy in it, and be sure to jot down some notes or journal about it afterward.

  • commented on this on

    @tl Thanks, Toni!