
Supercharge your Mac

March 9th, 2025
· 2 min read ·

I’d choose to use a Mac over a Windows machine every time in a heartbeat. It’s just the best OS out there (in my humble opinion). Still, it’s not perfect and there are a few gripes I have with the system.

Luckily, there is an app out there that fixes many of these annoyances. I first heard about it in a video from Matt Birchler, where he talked very enthusiastically about it. But I wasn’t sure if I really needed to purchase another utility app.

This morning, I noticed that it’s now available on Setapp and, since I have a subscription there, free for me to use. So I thought, why not give it a shot?

The app is called Supercharge and is made by renowned indie dev Sindre Sorhus1.

The quick conclusion after a couple of hours: Matt was right when he praised this app. It fixes so many of these tiny little pet peeves I have with macOS. Granted, all of them are just small improvements to my workflow, but in sum, these little things add up.

Here are the first few features that I already discovered and set up:

  • Make ⌘ + X (cut a file/folder) behave like it should in Finder
  • Create a .txt file directly in Finder via a shortcut and opening it directly after giving it a name
  • Go back a folder level with in Finder
  • Open files with instead of renaming them in Finder – renaming now uses ⇧ + ↵
  • Prevent accidentally quitting apps by changing the ⌘ + Q shortcut to making me press Q twice
  • Automatically un-minimize windows when an app becomes active again
  • Automatically install apps from DMG files and trash the file afterward

I’ve not gone through all the available settings, so I’m sure there’ll be many more features to discover.

In short, if you are a Mac power user and especially if you already have a Setapp subscription, go give Supercharge a try!


  1. Who, on a side note, has a very impressive portfolio of macOS apps – I’ve never seen a more extensive projects page from an indie dev.

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