
#001: Finally launching my personal website

June 29th, 2024
· 4 min read

Congratulations! You are part of a very, very small circle of people who receive this first Issue of Tiny Sparks! Thank you very much for reading this 🥳

To set the stage, you can expect to receive this newsletter pretty regularly in your inbox. For now, I plan to send it every other Saturday. That might change in the future though, we will see. But thanks for coming along for the ride!

Every Issue of Tiny Sparks will be structured in the same, easy to digest way:

  1. Personal updates from me, mainly related to my personal website and the things I create.
  2. A tool/app I regularly use and that might also be helpful to you. Often times design and/or code related, but you’ll enjoy most of them, even if you aren’t necessarily a designer or dev.
  3. A piece of content I enjoyed recently. This can be an article, blog, video, book, podcast – you name it.

Why “Tiny Sparks”? Pretty easy: In our daily life, we frequently have these random moments of inspiration. A good conversation, an interesting view, a cool discovery. I like to think of them as tiny sparks. Little seeds of inspiration that are planted in your mind and might grow over time or ignite a small flame – aka an idea – that can turn into something even bigger. And that’s precisely the idea of this newsletter: Give you something to think about or try out, and maybe inspire you to do whatever you want to do!

Without further ado, let’s dive into this first issue. Enjoy!

🗓️ Personal Updates

Here’s a quick rundown of the things that happened in the past two weeks:

  • I finally launched my personal website! It took way longer than I expected. Like waaaaay longer. I bought my personal domain in 2018 and for six years, I just had a simple static index page containing a couple of sentences on it. Luckily, that’s a thing of the past now. I wrote a little bit about it: dominikhofer.me/personal-internet-home.
  • I finished the “30 Days to Learn Laravel” course on Laracasts and now want to create an app with my newly acquired skills. But because I know myself and my tendency to start 10 things and finish none, I have to commit to a project before I write a single line of code. You can help me decide, what I should build: dominikhofer.me/what-to-build-next.
  • I ran the Midsummer Run in Bern last Sunday. It was a beautiful 10k run that started incredibly early in the morning (5:15). But it was so worth it, the course was beautiful, and the feeling afterward was wonderful! Because I run another 10k race this Sunday, I decided to run the Midsummer one a bit more relaxed and was still pleased with the finisher time. If you’re interested, both results are/will be available over on my /races page.

đź”® Tool Recommendation

No matter if you’re a designer or just creating slides for your next PowerPoint presentation, choosing good colors can be hard. One of my favorite resources to create a color scale for my designs is uicolors.app/create. It’s particularly useful if you’re using TailwindCSS for your websites, but it can assist with any of your color needs.

đź“š Content Piece

Did you know, that clicking on the first link in any Wikipedia article repeatedly will inevitably lead to the same page in practically every case? And do you know, which page that is?

42 isn’t the answer this time, sorry. It’s actually Philosophy. The whole thing even has a name: “The Philosophy Game”. And here is a fantastic video explaining it:

It becomes nerdier the longer it gets, but I’m a sucker for these videos that use code to analyze something and then tells the results in an engaging kind of way.

Well, that’s it already, thanks for sticking around. If you have some feedback, a recommendation of your own or just want to say hi, don’t hesitate to reach out! All the contact options are listed over on my /hello page.

And if you enjoyed this particular issue, consider forwarding it to your friends. That would mean a lot.

See you in two weeks!

Cheers ✌️


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